SEA is brings Latin American arts and culture to life for children and adults by creating dynamic experiences that educate, strengthen cultural identity and boost self-esteem. SEA’s programs are in more than 250 classrooms across the City of New York, and in many instances, are the only exposure to theatre that these children ever experience. We take pride in being one of the few organizations in the country that offer such extensive bilingual arts programs in schools and communities, including professional bilingual theatrical performances in our theatre, Teatro SEA, at the Clemente Soto Vélez Cultural & Educational Center on the Lower East Side.
TEATRO SEA is poised for growth! With your support, we can build on our successes, help even more children, and establish a firm footing for that future growth. Please take a moment to consider the difference your donation will make:
• $50.00 will help bring 5 children to Teatro SEA.
• $100.00 gets materials for one Arts Residency in a school or community center.
• $250.00 provides free toys for 25 children for SEA’s Three Kings Day Celebration.
• $500.00 sponsors 5 children for SEA’s Summer Programs.
• $1,000.00 will help fund SEA’s bilingual theater productions and ensure that ticket prices remain at a minimum.
Imagine an environment where children blossom right in front of your eyes, where their tradition and heritage is brought to life. Imagine enjoying some of the finest Latino artists celebrating music, puppetry, dance, film and the visual arts. That is TEATRO SEA!
We only have a week! Please help us in any way you can! No donation is small, $1, $10, $25, $100, $1000!

Mil GRACIAS!! Thank you!

Manuel Morán

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